Really enjoyed the curiosity aspect. I wrote about the obedient nature and why it's problematic for learning in a recent article (All unique maps lead to the same destination). I think one of the hardest things for a teacher to do is to promote curiosity and discovery while also balancing heavy curriculums and expectations of putting kids into the best school they can.

I don't envy you at all but certainly appreciate your perspective. It's incredibly rare to find somebody who sees the necessitation for curiosity WITHOUT citing politics.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Steve Wright

I agree with your perspective that - as teachers - we sometimes need to get out of the way and that takes a certain humility that, fortunately, comes easier to fond learners. We are humbled every day and we have learned that it is that state of receptivity or beginner's mind that lays fertile soil for learning. Thanks also for the list of 3 things which you expanded to 5. One and two are ways of being that foster learning while 3-5 are the actions that stimulate it.

Thanks for being Conches :-)

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Thank you for your engagement Daniele. I hope you are well.

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